“The Nelson Center for Entrepreneurship at Brown University explores entrepreneurship across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. The center supports students and faculty interested in entrepreneurship research via colloquia and conferences” – particularly the Research Conference Examining Entrepreneurship.

Research Conference Examining Entrepreneurship

June 2021

Theme: Entrepreneurship at the intersection of women, refugees, immigrants, allyship, and anti-Black racism

Focus: Bringing Visibility to New Majority Founder


  • Understanding the challenges of Black entrepreneurs in a time of COVID and BLM
  • The Complexity of Entrepreneurship research
  • Emerging economies in the United States: Examining the intersection of gender, race/ethnicity, and immigration
  • Public policy action related to entrepreneurship

One of the sponsors of the Research Conference Examining Entrepreneurship is the journal Gender, Work & Organization (GWO). Thus, the conference focuses on thought pieces and research publications that examine entrepreneurship in the context of feminism, transnationalism, sociology, political economy, organization, etc.

The other sponsor, Nelson Center, views entrepreneurship as a structured process that comprises three core activities:

  1. Find and validate an unmet need,
  2. Develop a value proposition, and
  3. Create a sustainable model

Faculty at Brown University conduct entrepreneurial research across engineering, public health, sociology, economics, humanities, neuroscience, and other disciplines. An interesting resource available to Brown students is the Pitchbook which enables entrepreneurship scholars to “research and analyze companies, deals, funds, investors and service providers across the entire private investment lifecycle”.