“The Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business (RENT) conference is a premier entrepreneurship research conference in Europe and annually brings together ~ 250 leading academics in this field who present and debate cutting edge research in a wide variety of entrepreneurship-related topics.”

Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business

November 2021 – RENT XXXV

Theme: Inclusive Entrepreneurship


  • Opportunity generation and early business development
  • Business models (growth, performance), international entrepreneurship
  • Entrepreneurial finance for new and growing businesses
  • Human capital, social capital, and networks
  • Entrepreneurship education and learning
  • Policy, support systems and ecosystems
  • Critical perspectives on entrepreneurship
  • Methodology and research methods
  • Minority entrepreneurship
  • Gender and co-preneurship
  • Technology and knowledge-based entrepreneurship
  • Family business, succession and business transfer
  • Social and sustainable entrepreneurship
  • Corporate entrepreneurship, intrapreneurship
  • Entrepreneurship in creative economies
  • Open track for entrepreneurship and small business research
  • Special theme: Context and entrepreneurship
  • Special Issue theme: Experiments in entrepreneurship education (EE&P)

The Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business conference is one of the oldest in the field, having started in 1987. The conference themes have revolved around small and medium Enterprises, their growth & funding challenges, minority businesses, and the evolution of entrepreneurship education. One of the event’s stakeholders is the European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM) which seeks to enhance the role of advanced studies in management in Europe.